You got Questions? We got answers!



+ Where is Just For Kicks located?

Just For Kicks is part and parcel of Pembroke Cleaners. We are located on the 1st floor at 1a Pembroke Street Lower, Dublin 2. D02 VH93.

+ What makes Just For Kicks better than any other shoe restoration service?

Our innovative cleaning and restoring methods help us to best service today’s shoe care requirements. What’s more, we do all of the cleaning, restoration & bespoke customisation by hand. This means that every shoe is given the utmost attention to detail and care. We provide affordable prices, efficient & timely service, client fulfillment and optimal convenience for people everywhere. That’s you.

+ Do I need to wear a mask when coming to the shop?

Yes but we do have a full sneeze guard at our reception desk for your protection.

+ Can I have them same day?

No. The drying out process takes at least 24hrs depending on the material.

+ Do you put the shoes in the washing machine?

No. Everything is done by hand.

+ Do you restore Adidas Original Classics, Converse, Nike?

Yes. We can restore the shoe by doing what is necessary (re-dye, repaint etc) to restore it as close as possible to it's former glory and also repaint the soles.

+ What materials do you restore?

Suede, leather, Nubuck, textiles, synthetics, rubber, foam, and plastic.